
Andrew Schmidt, Project Manager
| email | 714.289.2600 | Resume

What is your current position at Vista Environmental?
My position with Vista is Senior Project Manager

What is your favorite book?
My favorite book is “Ordinary Men”, by Christopher Browning. The first several chapters are really just statistics and background, but if you take the time to read them, and understand them, it is the scariest book you will ever read. Stephen King has NOTHING on human history!

What are your hobbies?
I don’t spend a lot of time with hobbies, anymore, but I really enjoy shooting and fishing. There is something about being outdoors, doing something, combined with the idea that, if you really had to, you could put food on the table, that I love.

What do you like best about your chosen field?
The thing I enjoy the most about my chosen field of work is that, even when ALMOST everything we are doing is the same old same old, each project site and each client has their own needs or details which make their project seem like nothing new. On top of that, at the end of the day, I know that we are making a safer work environment for everyone on the project site, including those who sometimes seem to be working against us.