Vista Environmental Consulting’s team performed asbestos assessments and reported findings for thirteen buildings including the following: Lawn Bowling Club House, Leona Lodge, DeFremery House and Rec Center, Live Oak Swimming Pool, Mosswood Rec Center, Sheffield Rec Center, Rotary Nature Center,…
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Vista Environmental Consulting (Vista) performed comprehensive hazardous materials surveys of a former hangar and two office/barrack buildings (Hanger Building 2460, Building 2354TI, and Building 2354T2) comprising of approximately 20,000 square feet space. Work was done on the active Twentynine Palms Marina Corps Air Combat Ground…
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Over several months, Vista Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Vista) performed an extensive chemical inventory and hazardous materials assessment audit of the occupied hospital and laboratories of the multi-story Kaiser Morse Hospital campus in Sacramento. After an inspection by the Fire Marshal,…
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Vista Environmental Consulting (Vista) performed hazardous materials pre-demolition assessments for nine former military buildings at the Oakland Army Base. These included seven multi-story, multi-unit housing buildings, one of which was converted to offices, an office building, and a warehouse. The assessment…
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Vista Environmental Consulting (Vista) performed comprehensive hazardous materials surveys, assessments, and cost estimates for two DMV buildings that were completely renovated (Main Office) or demolished (Warehouse). The surveys included a detailed inventory of asbestos containing materials, lead-based and lead containing…
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Naval Base Ventura County involved the demolition and hazardous materials abatement for over 50 structures and facilities at various locations, Point Hueneme, Port Mugu and St. Nicholas Island. The facilities were deemed excess and ranged from a large water pipeline…
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Mission Bay Development in San Francisco was accomplished in preparation for the commercial, residential and educational re-development of the property. The buildings that were part of this project included numerous warehouses, offices, a roller hockey facility, a restaurant, a concrete…
Vista Environmental Consulting (Vista) performed a hazardous materials investigation including environmental sampling at the San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area Maintenance Facility. This work was performed in response to a leaking underground storage tank. Work included the following actions: Collection of…
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Vista Environmental Consulting (Vista) performed hazardous materials survey and wrote the specifications for abatement of asbestos and lead containing building materials on 24 buildings (540,000 sf) at the nine acre campus of buildings formerly known as Onizuka Air Force Station.…
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Vista Environmental Consulting (Vista) assisted the Oakland Unified School District in the management of their hazardous waste program. Wastes included, but are not limited to, Universal Wastes such as non-incandescent lamps and batteries, paints and paint thinners/strippers, petroleum based oils…
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