Re-Roofing Projects
Vista Environmental Consulting’s team performed asbestos assessments and reported findings for thirteen buildings including the following: Lawn Bowling Club House, Leona Lodge, DeFremery House and Rec Center, Live Oak Swimming Pool, Mosswood Rec Center, Sheffield Rec Center, Rotary Nature Center, Temescal Pool, Verdese Carter Rec Center, Maxwell House, Junior Center of Art & Science, and the Garden Center Field House. Asbestos abatement design, following the City of Oakland Hazardous Materials Abatement Master Specifications, was done on projects as directed by the Environmental Services Division’s Project Manager.
This project was accomplished in preparation for the future re-roofing projects. The team worked under an “as-needed” agreement with the City of Oakland, Public Works Agency, Environmental Services Division and worked with the Environmental Services Division’s Project Manager to prioritize fast-tracked projects so the survey and asbestos abatement design would meet the accelerated project timelines.
Interactions with regulatory agencies were not needed as part of this project and no air samples were taken.