Building Renovation
The striking Chet Holifield Federal Building was constructed in Laguna Niguel, California, between 1968 and 1971. William L. Pereira & Associates designed the building, which is unlike any other in the U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) inventory. The building has a remarkable stepped pyramid silhouette that is rare in American architecture. The unusual form references ziggurats, ancient Mesopotamian temples.
Vista Environmental Consulting (Vista) was contracted to conduct asbestos air monitoring and project documentation for the facility. There was an aggressive schedule to complete the remediation of 17,000 square feet of vinyl asbestos floor tile & mastic. Vista worked daily with the abatement contractor, performing visual and air clearance as we completed areas to expedite the project. Our ability to understand the overall construction schedule and project timeline assisted in working with the abatement contractor to performing work in an efficient manner. This also included creative solutions to keep the project on schedule with an onsite laboratory.
Vista provided onsite daily asbestos air monitoring, indoor air quality assessments, regulatory compliance and onsite sample analysis. This kept the project running without delays or impacts to tenants on other occupied floors. Our ability to perform other environmental services negated the need of the client to perform extensive bidding to retain another consulting firm.
Vista’s project manager worked with the property manager to assure tenants and visitors of the building that the hazardous materials being abated would not pose an exposure. This was achieved by educating the tenants and employees about the engineering controls and continued air monitoring by a third party independent consultant.