Indoor Air Quality Assessment
The TS Golden Bear III is a 500 foot long training ship commissioned in 1987 and currently in use as a training ship for the CSU California Maritime Academy in Vallejo California. The normal occupancy for the annual summer 2 month training voyages is 288 cadets and 57 officers. Vista performed an indoor air quality assessment while the vessel was docked and as the ship began its summer voyage up to determine if conditions were present while it is fully operational that could negatively impact air quality.
The sampling was performed at the same six interior locations and one exterior mid-ship location for comparison to ambient conditions over an approximately seven hour period each day.
Direct read instruments were utilized to measure PM-10 respirable particulates, CO, CO2, temperature and relative humidity. Sampling for Title 22 Metals was performed with filter cassettes and vacuum pumps.
A visual assessment of spaces within the ship for conditions that might negatively impact indoor air quality was also performed.