Hospital Compliance
Over several months, Vista Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Vista) performed an extensive chemical inventory and hazardous materials assessment audit of the occupied hospital and laboratories of the multi-story Kaiser Morse Hospital campus in Sacramento. After an inspection by the Fire Marshal, a number of fire code violations had been issued to the hospital. To assure that the hospital was in compliance with their hazardous materials business plan, Vista was consulted to estimate quantities of hazardous materials and make recommendations for storage and usage to comply with the current fire code, as well as safe handling practices. Our team found that there were a number issues in laboratories with over storage of chemicals and improper storage within each room. Vista also recommended that the paths that chemicals leave each laboratory be examined as well. An example would be testing the aging p-traps, piping to the holding tanks in the basement, along with the fume hoods and any HVAC ducting.
Collectively, the hospital administration, facilities staff, environmental health and safety staff along with physicians were involved in the process along with outside consultants such as our team and an architect specializing in the design of proper storage. Vista, as a key team member, successfully guided the hospital to significantly improve health and safety management on site as well as to bring the hospital into compliance status with the Fire Department.